Many of us look forward to Halloween for different reasons. For some it’s the endless buckets of sweets, for others it’s the fulfilling of a fantasy to become a super hero.
Whatever reason you have for enjoying this spooky holiday, here are a few tips to make sure all your memories are good ones:
- Children should always go out trick or treating accompanied by a responsible adult. If you have a group of kids going, the parents should choose two or three of them to go along and keep an eye on things.
- Some towns set a curfew for trick or treating which makes it easier for townsfolk to know who’s coming to their door. Make sure and stick to the curfew times and stick to subdivisions and areas with a lot of homes so your kids can get in as much trick or treating as possible in a few hours time.
- Let your children know not to cut through back alleys and fields if they are out alone. Make sure they know to stay in populated areas and not to go off the beaten track. Let them know to stay in well lighted areas with lots of people around. Explain to them why it can be dangerous for kids not to do this. If they are going out alone, they are old enough to know what can happen to them in a bad situation and how to stop it from happening.
- Instruct your children not to eat any treats until they bring them home to be examined by you. This way you can check for any problem candy and get your pick of the best stuff!
- Instruct your child to never go into the home of a stranger or get into their car. Explain why this is not a good idea and what to do if someone approaches them and tries to talk to them.
As bad as it sounds, this is just a fact of life now. Get on the internet and check your local state website for sex offenders.
For our Fort Wayne, Indiana customers, click here. To be directed to the Offender Watch website or for all of Indiana, click here.
Almost every state has one, just do a search for your state sex offender site. Look up your zip code and it should have a list of registered offenders in your area that includes street addresses. Make sure that your kids stay away from these houses!
Have a safe and spooky holiday!