One of our favorite things to do here at Simplx is to spotlight our hard-working, dedicated employees. This month we’re featuring our VP of Sales Greg Graham. Dive into our chat with him to discover how Simplx has impacted the life of his family and how he finds calm in the sometimes-chaotic world of security.
Greg and Nate’s “good ol’ days”
Simplx: Greg, we’ve been looking forward to your interview! Are you prepared to share your years of wisdom and experience with us? 👴🏻
Greg: I will do what I can, haha. I’ve been with Simplx for a while, so hopefully this will provide some help to whoever needs it.
Simplx: Haha, I’m sure your wise words will bring peace and clarity to many. Let’s start with the basics. How did you and Nate meet, and what’s the story of your journey to Simplx?
Greg: Well, in 2011 Nate and I were both serving as leadership at a church we’d been attending. We met through that culture and developed a friendship of trust and mutual respect over the years.
About seven or eight years ago, Nate reached out to ask if I was interested in working with him at his security company. Simplx had been going strong for about ten years at the time and after talking it over with my wife Lucy, I made the decision to link arms with Simplx in February of 2017.
I’ve been working at Simplx with Nate and Tara ever since. It’s been quite the ride. But I’m glad I took the step to join the crew. Nate hasn’t changed. He’s still the same generous and respectful guy I knew back at church. We enjoy reminiscing about the good old days.
Security then and now

Simplx: It’s so good to hear that you and Nate have roots that go way back. I’m sure you have lots of stories you could tell us. Can you share with us the biggest changes you’ve seen in the security world? How do things compare now to the way they were in 2017?
Greg: Well, to be fair, technology changes so fast that you blink and it’s like you’ve time traveled, but I’d say there are really two things that stand out to me: The advancement in cameras and the general mindset of people.
I’ll explain why.
If you’d asked me (even three years ago) to recommend a camera from a company that is known for their burglar alarm devices, I’d have tried to talk you out of it. Not all Security cameras were made equal back then, and usually the best devices came from specialty manufacturers.
Nowadays, every company has to be on par with the others to be competitive in the market and because of that, the security camera quality has skyrocketed 🚀
Meeting folks’ security needs today
Greg: As far as peoples’ mindset goes, there’s always going to be factors like political unrest, but folks are also realizing it’s just not safe anymore to leave your home or business unprotected.
There’s a growing need for smart-home devices, too. Especially for families that have both parents working outside the home. Gone are the days that it was safe for you to leave a key under the doormat. Now, mom and dad need to know when their kids come and go, even if they’re not there at the same time.
The Simplx app can be set up to send parents notifications when their kids put their code in, but the app can also be set up to let mom and dad know if it’s not entered. So, either way they know what’s going on. It’s a total package kind of thing.
Times changed for sure.
Finding your calm when storms arise
Simplx: Technology is its own world for sure and it’s always growing. How do you handle the daily stress that comes with working in an ever-changing environment and what’s your foundation for staying calm through the storms life often throws your way?
Greg: That’s a loaded question, but really I’d say the culture here is what has helped me get through some pretty tough times.
Last year, I lost my wife Lucy to her four-and-a-half-year-long battle with lung cancer. Our kids Gabe, Haley, Luke, and Anne have each had to mourn and move forward in their own way. Nate and Tara have been close friends of both my wife and I for years and were incredibly flexible with allowing me time off to be with my kids.
In fact, the whole Simplx crew was so supportive and kind. Lucy knew many of them well.
My faith journey has been a bit all over the place and a long road from where I came from, but I think one of the most important things to finding your calm is to know your foundation when storms arise. Everyone is subject to a higher power in some way. Embrace that.

Having the right mindset
Simplx: Greg, our deepest condolences to you and yours. Having a solid work family can really make all the difference when hard times come. What is your favorite thing about working at Simplx and what are the biggest challenges you’ve been able to overcome?
Greg: Thank you. I appreciate it. My favorite thing is the culture here.
Nate has created an environment that promotes integrity and honest, open communication. He and Tara take a personal interest in each of their employees. They really invest in us by providing retreats and training events all over the country for us to learn and grow closer as a team. You gotta have the right mindset to make it in the security world, and Nate & Tara give us the chance to cultivate that and really be team members, not just employees.
One of the best things about working at Simplx is that every quarter of the year each employee has a meeting with their managers to go over things like performance, goals (personal and professional), worries, frustrations, accomplishments, and anything else they want to bring to the table.
But the best thing is that they don’t make you wait for your quarterly meeting. If there’s a problem or an idea to be shared, the doors are open. Come and tell us what’s up.
It’s important we all feel heard. Simplx gives space for that. And that’s the biggest difference, I think, from any other company I’ve worked with.

Growing pains that guide you
Greg: How do I overcome challenges? Sarcasm and humor, haha.
Being able to joke around is….let’s say…necessary. Everyone here’s pretty great about it. We’ve all got our own ways of dealing with things, but just about anyone here loves a good laugh.
My toughest challenge right now is finding the right people to add to our team. We’ve got a great tech crew already. My goal is always to hire qualified techs who are able to do the job and that’ll bring support and help to our guys. Trustworthiness and integrity are a must, and our guys count on us to add good workers to the Simplx family.
Simplx is growing and with that comes the growing pains. But we’ll get there. We just have to keep trying and the right chips will fall into place.
We never give up here. Whether it’s troubleshooting a device or working through schedules and new procedures, we always aim for the best outcome for everyone. The growing pains count for something. They may not be pleasant in the moment, but they guide you to your next level of success, both personal and professional.

“Be accountable. Learn from everyone. You’ll be surprised how it will enrich your life and help you in some of your darkest hours of need.”
How to know you’re on the right path
Simplx: Nate and Tara have certainly made Simplx a place that fosters teamwork. All the folks working here are pretty great and that just builds on the excellent culture we have going. It goes beyond technology, though. We’re humans too, and that connection is one of the biggest things that separates us from the other companies out there.
What would you say is the most important thing to remember about keeping your work and life balanced? And how do you define whether or not you’re walking the right path for you?
Greg: All these deep questions. You sure saved the tough ones for me, huh? Haha.
Simplx: Maybe 😁
Greg: *Deep breath* Well, from my experience, there are several things that can tell you where you’re at and whether or not you’re headed in the right direction.
For one, are you taking a personal interest in the work you’re doing? Does it mean something to you? It should. Even if it’s not your passion, there should be a desire to see things through and help people where they need it.
Staying balanced
Keeping your work and life balanced is always a top priority and one of the hardest sometimes. But, I think if you set the right boundaries and follow through with them it gives both sides of your life (personal and professional) the respect they need to thrive. Like a pair of legs walking, you gotta give each their place to move forward.
Sometimes it’s easier said than done though, haha. I’ve been there many times.
Greg: How to know you’re heading in the right direction?
Honestly, only you can know that for yourself. Everyone has convictions about something, and as long as you’re not lying, scheming, being dishonest with yourself and others, or disrespecting those around you, you can be pretty certain you’re at least pointed in the right direction.
Advice for young workers

Simplx: Sage words as always, Greg. Do you have any last nuggets of wisdom and advice for young workers trying to make their way in the security world?
Greg: Do the right thing. Always.
Just because you can get away with something now doesn’t mean you won’t be called to account for it later. If you don’t have integrity, you have nothing. You’ll make mistakes, but you must own them and work through them.
Having integrity means you never have to make up a story or keep up a facade, because you told the truth. If your conscience is clear and you’re not worried about anything, it’s a sign you’re probably ok.
Always be humble, too. You got where you are today by more than yourself. No matter what you know, there’s always more you don’t. The level you’re at now is not where you were and it’s not where you’re gonna be in the end.
Be accountable. Learn from everyone. You’ll be surprised how it will enrich your life and help you in some of your darkest hours of need.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan

What the Simplx owners have to say about Greg:
Greg and his family have been our loyal friends for many years. During that time, we’ve worked together in many different capacities, but our career paths finally crossed and linked in 2017. Since Greg came onboard the Simplx team eight years ago, he has continued to show the strong leadership of purpose, direction, accountability, and respect that we have always known him for.
Greg is looked up to by everyone at Simplx and is the most dependable person on the planet. 🙂 We appreciate Greg’s willingness to always go above and beyond. He maintains integrity and trust in everything he does and sets an incredible example for the techs.
Greg is one of a kind, but the world would be even more amazing if he could be cloned one hundred times over!
We’re so grateful to have Greg on the team!
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At Simplx Security, our mission is protecting what matters most to you.
It’s vital that you continue to feel safe and trust that your security system will do its job well. One of the best benefits of having a local security company monitor your system is you’re partnered with folks who understand your area and are right around the corner! We’re here to help you if any further troubleshooting is required.
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