One of our favorite things to do here at Simplx is to spotlight our hard-working, dedicated employees. This month we’re featuring Lead Commercial Technician Quentin Furney. Dive into our interview with him to see what it’s really like working hands-on installing a business security system.

Who’s Q?
Simplx: Hi Q! Thanks for taking the time out to talk with us. First of all, we just have to ask…why do we all call you Q rather than Quentin? Who started that?
Q: Hey, there! Ever since I can remember I’ve been called Q. From childhood into high school that’s what my friends and family called me and it just stuck. No intriguing backstory or earth-shattering reason. It’s just easier I guess, haha.
Simplx: Nothing wrong with that. It’s unique and we always know who we’re talking about around here. Can you tell us how you came to be a part of the Simplx business security system team? How did you meet Nate and Tara, and what’s your background in the security industry?
Q: Well, my parents have had a personal and business security system for years (they still do). My dad was talking to Nate one day and told me later that he was really impressed with him, and said he seemed like a really good guy. Dad knew I was looking for a job, so he suggested I apply at Simplx to join the professional tech world. After I applied, had an interview with Nate and a few other managers, and was hired in January of 2017. I was 20 years old at the time.
I don’t really have any background in tech, but my parents’ security system always fascinated me. Seeing it detect and analyze things was (and still is) pretty cool. It made this industry interesting for me, because I saw it first-hand. I’ve only ever had a few jobs my whole life, so when I landed here I dug in my heels and haven’t looked back. Everything fell into place pretty smoothly. I started on a different team, but ended up on the business security system side of things and it works well for me. One of the things about Nate and Tara that struck me was how considerate they are with their employees. They really allow for that work-life balance and are sincerely willing to listen and work with your schedule.

What’s the deal with security?
Simplx: That’s so true! Nate and Tara have created a wonderful atmosphere here at Simplx. Each employee contributes their strengths, but also has the opportunity to learn and grow new skills. Simplx serves an industry that often includes a wide variety of situations to prepare for and against. It’s important to have workers who know their field well, so we can best serve our customers, especially since the security world is growing and expanding so fast. Why do you think increased security for both home and business systems is becoming the routine norm these days?
Q: I think people are definitely more aware of the risks and how times have changed, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Updated technology has the ability to give you ease of access, remote control, and time-saving convenience. All-in-one security systems are a huge thing. Yet still, a lot of folks don’t use their security system to its full potential. Most systems have capabilities to keep track of everything under the sun. Just being able to keep an eye on your property or tell when (and who) is coming and going through a door is a serious benefit that we used to not have. We do now. And people feel safer because of it.
It’s becoming a norm for people to be scared of other people and it’s unfortunate, but it’s the reality of life nowadays. It’s just best practice to have home and business security systems so that families and possessions can be protected from potential harm. Seeing the systems we’ve installed functioning properly and doing their job is one of the most rewarding things about working in the security industry. And for my part, working with the business security systems team, it’s good to see all our hard work pay off to keep people safe.
The ups and downs of serving in the security industry.

Simplx: Safety is always our number one goal here. This industry is full of highs and lows, but at the end of the day it’s about protecting what matters most to people. Can you tell us what you’ve found to be the most rewarding part of your work and some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced?
Q: Well, the most rewarding part has to be the positive feedback we get from our customers. I always love to hear about how our systems have saved a building from burning down or stopped a robbery. If we install a fire system at a customer’s business and the next week it prevents a fire or if a family’s new Simplx cameras stop an intruder in their tracks, it really reminds me why we do what we do. People appreciate that we have their backs and they often call to add on more devices, or want to take their system with them when they move to a new home or relocate their business because they know we care and can provide for their needs. It’s encouraging to know we make a difference.
Of course the team and the environment are amazing! But the thing that keeps me going is hearing how our systems have saved possessions, sanity, and even lives.
I’d say the only challenges are just simply the day-in-day-out workings. Sometimes large business security system installs are complex and can take a lot of time and detail. It’s easy to overlook something if you aren’t paying attention, so you have to be on your A-game first thing in the morning and that can be a personal challenge. But I’d say that, overall, the rewards of this work outweigh the tough times.

Simplx: What a great motivator! Our customers are the reason we’re able to provide so many diverse services. If you had to recommend one must-have device for everyone (business or personal) what would it be and why?
Q: I would say a basic monitored burglar system is a must-have. We’re living in a time where it’s really essential to have someone there to help in times of trouble. Access control (even just a simple door lock) is also really important. It negates the need for keys and keeps track of who’s coming and going. With so many break-ins nowadays and the crime of opportunity on the rise, there’s really no excuse to not have someone watching your back. You gotta know you’re protected. Especially if it’s your livelihood and family at stake.
Simplx: That’s so true. It’s easy to overlook the basics. When a security system is working properly, you don’t even notice and that’s the whole point! Do you have any final words of wisdom you’d like to leave us with or advice for young techs just starting out?
Q: Work hard and try to learn something new every single day. One of my favorite quotes is, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Keep growing and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You only get better with time and effort. And knowing it’s all to help protect folks while you grow personally makes it more than worth it.

What our owners have to say about Q:
Quentin has become an incredible asset to Simplx Security. His friendship and loyalty are second to none! When Q started out with Simplx seven years ago he was very young but excited for what life had in store for him. Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of watching him grow as a person and develop into who he wants to be.
Quentin has become an incredible asset to Simplx Security. His friendship and loyalty are second to none! When Q started out with Simplx seven years ago he was very young but excited for what life had in store for him. Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of watching him grow as a person and develop into who he wants to be.
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At Simplx Security, our mission is protecting what matters most to you. It’s vital that you continue to feel safe and trust that your security system will do its job well. One of the best benefits of having a local security company monitor your system is you’re partnered with folks who understand your area and are right around the corner! We’re here to help you if any further troubleshooting is required.
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