One of our favorite things to do here at Simplx is to spotlight our hard-working, dedicated employees. This month we’re featuring our New-build Account Specialist, Nelli Alderman. Follow our heart-to-heart chat with her as we uncover how Simplx has impacted her life and her role behind the scenes that helps families get set up for success in their new homes.
Nelli and her Simplx story
Simplx: First things first, here. Is it Nichelle or Nelli? Who are we talking to? Are you two people in one?
Nelli: Oh, my gosh, no! I couldn’t afford another personality! Either works, but it’s less confusing to call me Nelli, because everyone thinks I’m saying Michelle, haha.
Simplx: Haha, ok then Nelli. Can you give us a picture of your journey to Simplx and maybe explain your role here?
Nelli: I really hate to say this, but…. it started with Travis Rood, haha. Travis and I had previously worked together. He vouched for me, so I have to thank him for that.
I’d been looking for a job closer to home that had more flexibility, because I’d just had a baby and I needed to be able to balance work with my new life responsibilities.
Nate was a regular customer at my previous place of employment, so I’d met him before and knew he was a kind person. When Travis told me Simplx needed some help on their Residential office team, I applied. Nate & Tara officially welcomed me aboard Simplx Security in July of 2019.

Growing a family with Simplx
Nelli: Funny thing is, the position I took on then is completely different from where I am today.
Simplx has continued to grow so much that I eventually took over more responsibility. When I started here, we began working more closely with local companies to pre-install security systems in their newly-built homes.
It was my responsibility to keep all back-end office work in order. I’d align Simplx’s schedule with that of the construction workers, electricians, and the homebuyer to get everything set up and ready to go. As the workload grew, the need for more support grew with it.
Eventually, it developed into an entirely new branch of Simplx. Keeping things streamlined and organized is super important for that level of coordination. You really need a dedicated team to tackle it every day. Hence, we now officially have a New-Build Accounts Team. 🙂
I’ve been with Simplx for over five years now. My boys Denver and Ryker (yes, I had a second baby), have grown up with mommy working at Simplx. It’s all they’ve known and it’s been a great ride so far!
Nate and Tara have been amazing to work for and with! They make a point of stopping by everyone’s desks to say, “Hi,” when they’re in the office each day. They really treat us all like family.

Being the human connection at Simplx
Simplx: Wow, Nelli. You really hit the heart of what Simplx is about: Protecting what matters most. For many new homeowners that means family. Can you take us deeper into what your role entails for the new homeowners, and share your favorite thing as well as the biggest challenges of the job?
Nelli: Oh, my goodness. That’s asking a big question, haha. But I will give it a shot here.
In a very condensed nutshell, my job is to provide the human connection between Simplx Security and the homebuyer. The job requires empathy. I’ve worked in customer relations for over ten years now and learned how to listen to understand, not just react. When you can see what they see, it makes it easier to provide help where someone needs it.
For many folks this is their first home. They’re understandably overwhelmed.
I manage the Simplx calendar that helps to keep the builders, workers, and homebuyers on track. There are a lot of moving pieces involved to complete each set up. Simplx does the low voltage wiring, and TV mounting as well as security installation and training for every newly-built home we’re a part of. It’s very much a package deal, and it all has to be completed within a specific timeframe.

A positive outlook on change
Nelli: My favorite thing about my work has to be the close relationships I’ve been able to build. Nate and Tara care about each one of their employees and it shows in the way they treat us.
They always listen when someone comes to them with a problem or suggestion. It’s that level of leadership that inspires everyone here and helps us to keep the bigger picture in mind on the tougher days.
My biggest challenge is that we’re still growing! It’s a good problem, but it can be tough to adjust to a new sense of direction. I guess I just don’t relish change, haha. But it’s a part of life. I’m a mom, so I have no choice there ❤️
As Simplx continues to expand, we’re constantly evolving and adding to our team. Sometimes new ideas work and sometimes they don’t. But if you never take the leap, you’ll forever be standing on the sidelines wondering what would’ve happened if you had. Measure the risk of failing against the risk of never changing. The picture becomes clear when you look at change that way.
Simplx: You’re such a wealth of wisdom Nelli 🙂
Nelli: I don’t know about that, haha. I just know what I’ve experienced in my life and the things that have helped me. If I can help someone else by sharing it, I always will.

Take pride in your home and protect it! It’s taken a lot of time and money for everyone involved, but the decision making ultimately came from you. Be proud!
Advice for new homeownership
Simplx: And that’s why you’re perfect for the role you’re in! You must’ve had lots of conversations with new homeowners over the years. Tell us what you recommend each new homebuyer keep in mind when taking on the life-changing task of building their first home? What’s the most important thing to remember?
Nelli: Take pride in your home and protect it! It’s taken a lot of time and money for everyone involved, but the decision making ultimately came from you. Be proud! You’ve built your home the way you want it and now it’s yours. No one else has ever lived there, so never take protecting it for granted! Take care of your new home and enjoy what all your hard work has produced.
Simplx: Great advice, Nelli. While we’re on the topic of protecting all that hard work, what are the most popular security features you get requests for? And what would you recommend for someone who may not have any idea which security features are right for them?
Nelli: Cameras and smart devices are by far the most popular requests.
With cameras, you can see exactly what’s going on and get alerts when they occur.
Smart devices (like thermostats, door locks, etc.) give you so much control over the function of your home and allow you to keep a record of patterns to show you where you can save money!
Other than that, a basic home security system of door and window sensors is a must. You just built this house. Protect it.
“One of my favorite quotes is by Abraham Lincoln. He says he’s not bound to win, but to be true. That’s a solid piece of advice for any time you’re feeling overwhelmed with what life throws your way.”
Nelli Alderman
How to know which security features are right for you
Nelli: As far as how to know what features fit your needs best, we have a system set up to help you see your options. That way you can customize what works for you and there’s no guessing.
After chatting with me, I’ll get you set up with a walk through with one of our reps and they can show you the different choices you have.
Wallets are tight for many first-time homebuyers. Especially for younger people facing tough financial decisions. The basic Simplx system comes with the home, so we offer price breaks and discounts for additional things since the security system is already installed for you.
Even if you decide not to take advantage of the price breaks, we still come out and do a free training so you understand how to operate your system. You can always activate it when the time is right. Everyone is on their own journey in life. Some may need more protection than others.
Words of wisdom for new homeowners
Simplx: You laid that out very clearly and plainly, Nelli. Choosing which level of security is right for them is a huge decision for most homeowners, and Simplx has put actions in place to make the decision process as smooth as possible. Do you have any final words or advice for our readers who may be considering a home security system?
Nelli: Think about what will best serve you now and balance your options. Remember that you can always add things on later. Home security options are broad. There’s something for everyone. You just have to decide what features benefit you and your lifestyle.
One of my favorite quotes is by Abraham Lincoln. He says he’s not bound to win, but to be true. That’s a solid piece of advice for any time you’re feeling overwhelmed with what life throws your way.
The world is heading toward more and more technology. The housing industry is right in step with the trends, and Simplx is trying to make it as easy as possible to have what you need to enjoy your new home knowing your family is safe inside it.

What the Simplx owners have to say about Nelli:
Nelli is a joy to have at Simplx! Her work here has greatly evolved from the original role she’d taken on. She’s consistent, hardworking and dedicated in everything she does. She’s also extremely detail-oriented and keeps track of all the projects we have with new homes going up in neighborhoods across Fort Wayne and the surrounding cities.
It’s been so fun to watch her family grow as we help her meet her work and personal goals. Nelli has become extremely knowledgeable during her time at Simplx. Everyday she embodies the confidence and respect that Simplx is known for. We are very grateful to have Nelli on the team!
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At Simplx Security, our mission is protecting what matters most to you. It’s vital that you continue to feel safe and trust that your security system will do its job well. One of the best benefits of having a local security company monitor your system is you’re partnered with folks who understand your area and are right around the corner. We’re here to help you if any further troubleshooting is required.
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