Why is My Alarm Panel Beeping?

How to figure it out and fix it!

Why alarm panels beep and how to silence them

1. Go to the panel and read the screen

3. Look for flashing icons or alerts on the screen and click on them.

 4. Use your app to stop the beeping.

IMPORTANT: Smoke detectors are considered life safety devices and cannot be silenced from acknowledging trouble beeps. Read more here.

Common causes for a beeping panel:

  • Batteries are low or dead
  • Power loss or power surge
  • System (or one of its devices) is in malfunction
  • Tampers from kids, adults, pets or shaking (e.g. fireworks and thunder)

Other tips to keep in mind

  1. Be sure the area around each device in your security system is free from dust and cobwebs. Solve beeping issues by simply maintaining a clean area around each device. This is often this is the issue as the weather turns colder.
  2. Make sure the panel is getting power. The backup battery keeps your system running for a while. But, it’ll continue to beep if left unattended. It’s annoying. But that’s the point. Alarm panels designed that way. It’s VERY important to make you aware if the power source is disconnected. Take action, buy checking your breakers and power lines to make sure everything is getting the juice it requires.
  3. Everything has an expiration date. This includes electronics. It eventually comes time for you to upgrade to a new phone or laptop. Security devices are no different. While you may not have to replace them very often, keep in mind that the best protection comes from devices that are up to date and tested regularly.

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